We assist individuals with all their temporary and permanent immigration needs and other related immigration offenses. We understand what is required in being ‘eligible’ to apply for Canadian Visa and the processes required in obtaining a successful application. Every matter at Thompson Legal Services is handled by Immigration professional team who is committed to working with the highest standard of Visa Related Services for Living, Working, Studying, and Migration to Canada.
Category: Services
Becoming a Canadian citizen comes with benefits that are not available to Permanent Residents such as, no more renewing your permanent residence card, you can vote and freely participate in Canadian politics, live freely and travel anywhere and better access to job prospects.
For more information about other requirements for citizenship, Speak to one of our licensed professionals and find out how we can help you.
Effective July 1, 2013, all paralegals licensed by the Law Society of Upper Canada are qualified as Commissioner of Oaths able to receive Oath from deponents (the person swearing or affirming an Affidavit) and commission Affidavits, Proof of Loss forms for insurance claims, Statutory Declarations, and various other documents.
Examples of documents that may be commissioned by paralegals acting as commissioners include, among others:
Consent to Travel
Travel Declaration
Vehicle Transfers
Professional Accreditation Applications
Lost Passport Declarations, etc.